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Home Motivatie
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Karakter volgens H. Jackson Brown jr.
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Go see ask why show respect

Our character is what we do when we think no one is looking.

H. Jackson Brown Jr.

Laatst aangepast op donderdag, 20 maart 2014 15:19  
Lifehacking volgens Confucius
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Go see ask why show respect

Waar je ook heen gaat, ga met je hele hart.


Laatst aangepast op zondag, 16 juni 2019 05:42  
Principieel volgens Thomas Jefferson
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Go see ask why show respect

For here we are not afraid to follow the truth wherever it may lead…

Thomas Jefferson

Laatst aangepast op donderdag, 20 maart 2014 15:12  
Lifehacking volgens John Wayne
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Go see ask why show respect

Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway.

John Wayne

Laatst aangepast op zondag, 02 februari 2014 13:43  
Omdenken met Edmund Hillary
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Go see ask why show respect

It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves.

Edmund ik-beklom-de-Mount-Everest-als-eerste Hillary

Laatst aangepast op zondag, 02 februari 2014 15:55  
Goede voornemens volgens Goethe
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Go see ask why show respect

Het buitengewone geschiedt niet langs de gebaande, gewone weg.


Laatst aangepast op woensdag, 01 januari 2014 21:43  
To move or not to move volgens Benjamin Franklin
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Go see ask why show respect

All mankind is divided into three classes. Those who are immovable, those who are movable, and those who move.

Benjamin Franklin

Laatst aangepast op vrijdag, 20 december 2013 16:46  
Meesterschap volgens Robert Greene
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Go see ask why show respect

Mastery is not a function of genius or talent, it is a function of time and intense focus applied to a particular field of knowledge.

Robert Greene

Laatst aangepast op vrijdag, 06 december 2013 22:08  
Veranderen volgens Socrates
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Go see ask why show respect

Laat degene die de wereld in beweging wil zetten, eerst zelf in actie komen.


Laatst aangepast op vrijdag, 06 december 2013 22:05  
Verboden woorden volgens Wendell Johnson
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citaat quote

Always and never are two words you should always remember never to use.

Wendell Johnson

Laatst aangepast op dinsdag, 26 november 2013 20:15  
Doelgericht volgens Mark Twain
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citaat quote

Nadat we het doel definitief uit het oog hadden verloren, verdubbelden we onze inspanningen.

Mark Twain

Laatst aangepast op zondag, 06 oktober 2013 07:30  
Veranderen volgens G.B. Shaw
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citaat quote

Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.

G.B. Shaw

Laatst aangepast op zondag, 06 oktober 2013 07:29  
Lifehacking volgens Marcus Aurelius
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citaat quote

The art of living is more like wrestling than dancing.

Marcus Aurelius

Laatst aangepast op zondag, 06 oktober 2013 07:25  
Rijke tevredenheid volgens Cicero
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citaat quote

Tevreden zijn met wat men heeft is de grootste en zekerste rijkdom.

Marcus Tullius Cicero

Laatst aangepast op zondag, 06 oktober 2013 07:24  
Vakmanschap volgens W. Clement Stone
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citaat quote

Try, try, try, and keep on trying is the rule that must be followed to become an expert in anything.

W.Clement Stone

Laatst aangepast op zondag, 06 oktober 2013 07:16  
Op snelheid met Oprah Winfrey
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citaat quote

Forget about the fast lane. If you really want to fly, just harness your power to your passion.

Oprah Winfrey

Laatst aangepast op zondag, 06 oktober 2013 06:40  
Zelfdenkzaamheid volgens Taiichi Ohno
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You are a fool if you do just as I say. You are a greater fool if you don't do as I say. You should think for yourself and come up with better ideas than mine.

Taiichi Ohno

Laatst aangepast op woensdag, 04 september 2013 19:54  
Werk volgens Steve Jobs
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Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.

Steve Jobs

Laatst aangepast op woensdag, 04 september 2013 19:51  
Geluk volgens James Oppenheim
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The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance, the wise grows it under his feet.

James Oppenheim

Laatst aangepast op woensdag, 04 september 2013 19:44  
Motivatie volgens Marian Wright Edelman
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Never work just for money or for power. They won't save your soul or help you sleep at night.

Marian Wright Edelman

Laatst aangepast op zaterdag, 27 juli 2013 20:02  
Motivatie volgens Ray Bradbury
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If you don't love something, then don't do it.

Ray Bradbury

Laatst aangepast op zaterdag, 27 juli 2013 20:00  
Het grotere 'ja' volgens Stephen Covey
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You have to decide what your highest priorities are and have the courage - pleasantly, smilingly, nonapologetically - to say 'no' to other things. And the way to do that is by having a bigger 'yes' burning inside.

Stephen Covey

Laatst aangepast op zaterdag, 27 juli 2013 19:38  
Lichtbrengende liefde volgens Martin Luther King
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Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.

Martin Luther King

Laatst aangepast op zaterdag, 27 juli 2013 07:02  
Meer dan je best doen volgens W.E. Deming
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Every body doing his best is not the answer. It is first necessary that people know what to do.

William Edwards Deming

Laatst aangepast op zaterdag, 27 juli 2013 20:05  
Motivatie volgens Vincent van Gogh
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I would rather die of passion than of boredom.

Vincent van Gogh

Laatst aangepast op zaterdag, 27 juli 2013 20:06  
Motivatie volgens Steve Jobs
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The only way to do great work is to love what you do.

Steve Jobs

Laatst aangepast op zaterdag, 27 juli 2013 20:03  
Winnen volgens Denis Waitley (2)
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Losers make promises they often break. Winners make commitments they always keep.

Denis Waitley

Laatst aangepast op vrijdag, 26 juli 2013 20:21  
Zelfbeïnvloeding volgens Zig Ziglar
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The most influential person who will talk to you all day, is you. So, you should be very careful what you say to you.

Zig Ziglar

Laatst aangepast op donderdag, 11 juli 2013 21:27  
Motivatie volgens Theodore Roosevelt
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Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.

Theodore Roosevelt

Laatst aangepast op dinsdag, 23 juli 2013 06:28  
Geluk volgens Augustinus
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Geluk is blijven verlangen naar wat je al hebt.


Laatst aangepast op woensdag, 17 juli 2013 21:09  
Geluk volgens William Penn
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The secret of happiness is to count your blessings while others are adding up their troubles.

William Penn

Laatst aangepast op donderdag, 11 juli 2013 21:33  
Tribale vriendschap volgens Seth Godin
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I don’t care how many friends you have on Facebook or how many followers you have on Twitter. Those are not actual friends or truly followers. I care about how many people will miss you if you’re not back here again tomorrow. The opportunity is not in being momentarily popular with the anonymous masses. It’s in being missed when you’re gone, in doing work that matters to the tribe you choose. The rest of the world isn’t nearly as important as the few who are here.

Seth Godin

Laatst aangepast op donderdag, 11 juli 2013 19:38  
Moedige prioriteiten volgens Ambrose Redmoon
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Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear.

Ambrose Redmoon

Laatst aangepast op zondag, 12 mei 2013 09:40  
Middelmatigheid volgens Peter Skillman
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Lick the lollipop of mediocrity and you suck forever.

Peter Skillman

Laatst aangepast op zaterdag, 11 mei 2013 12:43  
Grootse uitdagingen volgens Halsey
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There are no great people in this world, only great challenges which ordinary people rise to meet.

William Frederick Halsey, Jr.

Laatst aangepast op zaterdag, 11 mei 2013 12:42  
Levensbeëindiging volgens Martin Luther King
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Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.

Martin Luther King Jr.

Laatst aangepast op vrijdag, 17 mei 2013 05:48  
Fouten maken mag niet volgens Franz Kafka
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There art two cardinal sins from which all others spring: Impatience and Laziness.

Franz Kafka

Laatst aangepast op zondag, 07 april 2013 18:52  
Optimistisch volgens Susan J. Bissonette
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An optimist is the human personification of spring.

Susan J. Bissonette

Laatst aangepast op zondag, 07 april 2013 18:41  
Rotsvast principieel volgens Thomas Jefferson
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In matters of style, swim with the current; In matters of principle, stand like a rock.

Thomas Jefferson

Laatst aangepast op zondag, 21 april 2013 19:15  
Magnetische doelen volgens Mark Victor Hansen
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Goals are new, forward-moving objectives. They magnetize you towards them.

Mark Victor Hansen

Laatst aangepast op zaterdag, 06 april 2013 18:48  
Gelukkig volgens Denis Waitley
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Happy people plan actions, they don't plan results.

Denis Waitley

Laatst aangepast op zaterdag, 06 april 2013 18:46  
Destructief falen volgens Jules Renard
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Failure is not the only punishment for laziness; there is also the success of others.

Jules Renard

Laatst aangepast op zaterdag, 02 maart 2013 19:27  
Moedig leven volgens Denis Waitley
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Courage means to keep working a relationship, to continue seeking solutions to difficult problems, and to stay focused during stressful periods.

Denis Waitley

Laatst aangepast op zaterdag, 05 januari 2013 08:40  
Destructief falen volgens Thomas Edison
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Show me a thoroughly satisfied man and I will show you a failure.

Thomas Alva Edison

Laatst aangepast op zondag, 06 januari 2013 19:34  
Doelgericht volgens Denis Waitley
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Learn from the past, set vivid, detailed goals for the future, and live in the only moment of time over which you have any control: now.

Denis Waitley

Laatst aangepast op zaterdag, 05 januari 2013 08:39  
Passie volgens Susan Rice
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Focus on something that stirs your soul, it's hard to excel at anything that you don't love.

Susan Rice

Laatst aangepast op zaterdag, 05 januari 2013 08:49  
Willen is kunnen volgens Napoleon Hill
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When your desires are strong enough you will appear to possess superhuman powers to achieve.

Napoleon Hill

Laatst aangepast op zaterdag, 05 januari 2013 08:25  
Lifehacking volgens Steve Jobs
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Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

Steve Jobs

Laatst aangepast op vrijdag, 09 november 2012 21:10  
Foutieve waarheidsvinding
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There are two mistakes one can make along the road to truth. Not going all the way, and not starting.

Siddhrtha Gautama”

Laatst aangepast op woensdag, 05 september 2012 21:02  
Focus volgens Bernard Byer
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If you want to know where your heart is, look where your mind goes when it wanders.

Bernard Byer

Laatst aangepast op zondag, 22 juli 2012 09:48  


I have far more respect for the person with a single idea who gets there than for the person with a thousand ideas who does nothing..

Thomas Edison



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