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Home Lifehacking Wees proactief volgens Mac Anderson & Tom Feltenstein
Wees proactief volgens Mac Anderson & Tom Feltenstein

responsibility starts with me

Mac Anderson en Tom Feltenstein beschrijven in hun boek Change is good... You go first de belangrijkste woorden als het gaat om (het nemen van) persoonlijke verantwoordelijkheid:

gallagher ventura personal responsibility

According to Gallagher and Ventura, the most important words of personal responsibiliy are as follows:

The 10 most important words:

I won't wait for others to take the first step

The 9 most important words:

If it is to be, it's up to mee.

The 8 most important words:

If not me, who? If not now, when?

The 7 most important words:

Let me take a shot at it.

The 6 most important words:

I will not pass the buck.

The 5 most important words:

You can count on me.

The 4 most important words:

It is my job!

The 3 most important words:

Just do it!

The 2 most important words:

I will.

The 1 most important word:


Frank Tyger said it best...

Your future depends on many things, but mostly yourself.

Bron: Change is good... You go first, Mac Anderson & Tom Feltenstein

Laatst aangepast op zondag, 03 juni 2018 12:13  

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