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Home Lean Six Sigma Processen volgens H. James Harrington
Processen volgens H. James Harrington

processen harrington

H. James Harrington beschrijft in zijn boek Business Process Improvement - the breakthrough strategy for total quality, productivity and competitiveness wat hij verstaat onder processen, activiteiten en taken:


processen harrington

From the macroview, processes are the key activities required to manage and/or run an organization.


A macroprocess can be subdivided into subprocesses that are logically related, sequential activities that contribute to the mission of the macroprocess.


Every macroprocess or subprocess is made up of a number of activities. Activities are things that go on within all processes. As the name implies, they are the actions required to produce a particular result. Activities make up the major part of flowcharts.

Each activity is made up of a number of tasks. ... Normally, tasks are performed by an individual or by a small team. They make up the very smallest microview of the process.


Flowcharting an entire process, down to the task level, is the basis for analyzing and improving the process.

Bron: Business Process Improvement - the breakthrough strategy for total quality, productivity and competitiveness, H. James Harrington


Laatst aangepast op maandag, 12 oktober 2020 19:05  

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