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Home Management Beslissende visie volgens Peter Senge
Beslissende visie volgens Peter Senge

peter senge jurgen appelo

Bovenstaande illustratie met citaat is afkomstig uit één van de presentaties van Jurgen Appelo. Op onderzoek naar de herkomst van het citaat, ontdekte ik dat ook het deel van het boek The Fifith Discipline waaruit het afkomstig is, de moeite van het citeren waard is. Bij deze:

peter senge fifth discipline

Guiding Ideas

Seeing design as part of a living system applies equally to more subtle design tasks, like the 'design' of guiding ideas. "Organization design is widely misconstructed as moving around boxes and lines," Bill O'Brien used to say. "The first task of organizational design concerns designing the governing ideas - the purpose, vision and core values by which people will live." But while it is common for management temas to come up with vision and mission statements, understanding that people interpret and behave with such statements in many different ways leads to different strategies.


When you approach the design of guiding ideas with this in mind, several things happen. ...

[Y]ou focus on how the guiding principles are used. Bill O'Brien used to use his "BS meter" to determine whether visions and values were real or just "feel good" statements. At the end of the day, you ask yourself, 'How did our vision and values influence decisions I made today?' If they did not, then they are pretty much BS."


This last point illuminates one of the most basic misunderstandings about guiding ideas. People can obsess about getting the words right Even the question "Is this the right vision?" is the wrong question. A focus on getting the words right leads to beautiful, even inspiring, vision statements that produce little or no change. On the other hand, artful designers in the domain of guiding ideas know that, in my colleague Robert Fritz's words, "It's not what the vision is, it's what the vision does." They see visions and other guiding ideas as tools for mobilizing and focusing energy. They judge the ideas by their impact, not by how they sound. And they never forget that guiding ideas are always works in progress.

Bron: The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization, Peter Senge

Laatst aangepast op zaterdag, 24 april 2021 08:55  

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