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Home Bluff Your Way Into... Belangrijke onderwijskundige begrippen - Opleiding door instructeur (instructor-led training)
Belangrijke onderwijskundige begrippen - Opleiding door instructeur (instructor-led training)

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Opleiding door een instructeur




- Instructor-led training

instructor led training opleiding door instructeur

Instructor-led training (ILT)

Training methods that involve an instructor or facilitator who leads, facilitates, or trains online

Why is instructor-led training considered the best?

What are the top advantages and disadvantages of ILT?

In terms of advantages and disadvantages, instructor-led training is usually compared to traditional elearning. From this perspective, the main benefits of ILT include:

  • Learning from experts.
  • Opportunities for instructor-learner and learner-learner interactions.
  • Peer learning and network-building.
  • The ability to ask questions and receive immediate feedback.
  • Adaptability—the ability of instructors to tailor courses to learners’ needs, even on the fly.
  • Focus and attention—learning is not constantly interrupted by ringing phones, emails, etc.

The most commonly cited disadvantages are related to cost and logistics:

  • ILT is expensive and time-consuming.
  • Instructors and venues are not always available.
  • Once a Learner steps out of the classroom, returning to it for clarification is gone.
  • It isn’t always possible to stagger the start dates of courses when giving consideration to learner schedules.

When put in this context, ILT definitely wins—the advantages all focus on the higher quality of learning, while the disadvantages are mostly logistical. However, from experience, many trainers know that this divide isn’t quite so stark and that several of the commonly identified advantages of ILT exist only in theory.

Bron: Managing Performance Through Training and Development, Alan Michael Saks, Robert R. Haccoun, Monica Belcourt

instructor led training opleiding door instructeur

Instructor-led training

Instructor-led training, or ILT, is the practice of training and learning material between an instructor and learners, either individuals or groups. Instructors can also be referred to as a facilitator, who may be knowledgeable and experienced in the learning material, but can also be used more for their facilitation skills and ability to deliver material to learners.

Instructors may deliver training in a lecture or classroom format, as an interactive workshop, as a demonstration with the opportunity for learners to practice, or even virtually, using video-conferencing tools; and the instructor may have facilitation and teaching skills, in which they can use different methods to engage learners and embrace different learning styles.

Other learning delivery methods include e-learning which delivers self-paced courses online, and blended learning which mixes instructor-led and e-learning elements.

Bron: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Instructor-led_training


instructor led training opleiding door instructeur

Instructor-led Training (ILT)

Instructor-led training, or classroom training, is the most traditional form of training, best leveraged for creating an overall understanding of the training topic. According to Training Industry, Inc. research, ILT is the training modality most preferred by learners, with 55% of learners reporting a preference for this method.

ILT is most effective when you need to provide a large group of learners with a relatively small amount of information, in a short period, with the only value-add being the credibility of the instructor and his training skills. Another key advantage of ILT is the obvious interactivity, as learners can ask questions and receive instant responses. ILT is a good option for organizations with a dedicated training venue and when employee interactivity is important to the learning experience.

Bron: https://trainingindustry.com/articles/content-development/5-training-delivery-methods-to-use-in-your-ld-programs/


instructor led training opleiding door instructeur

Instructor-Led Training (ILT)

Instructor-led training refers to training that occurs in a classroom (real or virtual, it depends). It can have more than one instructor who teaches through lectures, discussions, and demonstrations. ILTs are most beneficial for complex content, because the learners have the option to ask questions directly and clarify their doubts.

Common ILT formats

(1) Face-to-face training

Face-to-face training is the traditional classroom training method that has been around for quite some time, for example, lectures, conferences, seminars, and the like.

(2) Virtual classroom

In a virtual classroom environment, participants can communicate and interact in an online setting, mostly through video conferencing. They can collaborate with the instructor as well as the other learners.

(3) Webinar

In webinars, learners participate in an online lecture. They can post questions and answer polls. In most cases, learners interact tvith the instructor and not with fellow learners.

Bron: 5 Training Methods in the Workplace: Choose the Best for Your Employees


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