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Home Bluff Your Way Into... Performance support volgens Bob Mosher & Conrad Gottfredson
Performance support volgens Bob Mosher & Conrad Gottfredson

performance support werkplekleren workflow bob mosher conrad gottfredson


Bob Mosher en Conrad Gottfredson beschrijven als grondleggers van Performance support in het interview Workflow Learning: The Four Fundamental Principles de essentie van deze nieuwe methodologie om te leren op de werkplek:

Learning while getting things done (1)

performance support workflow learning werkplekleren

“Workflow learning,” isn’t just about making information available in the workflow. It’s enabling a learner to learn or be supported while doing their work. (...) True workflow learning is done in parallel, not to the side. It’s done while getting work done. It instructs, informs, and supports—three, frankly, different things, all while doing the job."

Bob Mosher


Learning while getting things done (2)

performance support workflow learning werkplekleren
Real workflow learning is learning while working. That’s genuine workflow learning. Many people, in their approach to workflow learning assume all learning in the workflow constitutes workflow learning. Micro-learning in the workflow can be a rudimentary form of workflow learning. But the real power of workflow learning is what you said. It’s enabling people to learn as they do their work so that they don’t have to stop work in order to learn.

Conrad Gottfredson


Learning while getting things done (3)

performance support workflow learning werkplekleren
In traditional learning we have what we call “train”, and then the learner has to transfer it to their job. That is, contextualize it to their own work. When you have real workflow learning the transfer inherently occurs while learning. There’s no stopping work. There’s no real transfer stage. So, it’s faster and more economical in terms of the learning process.

Conrad Gottfredson


Over de workflow als context van het werk

performance support workflow learning werkplekleren

You have to map the workflow because this mapping is what creates the context that provides your learners with just-in-time access to just what they need, at the moment they need it, in order to be able to learn in the workflow.

Conrad Gottfredson


Over het '2 clicks/10 seconds-principle'

performance support workflow learning werkplekleren

That’s why we talk about “2 Clicks—10 Seconds.” The “2 Clicks” is getting to the needed information, while the “10 seconds” is the time it takes for me to translate that information into action. So we really do need to be able access just what I need, at my moment of need to help me get the job done—and in the process, learn by doing.

Conrad Gottfredson


Zie ook:

Alias: Werkplekleren

Bron: Workflow Learning: The Four Fundamental Principles

Laatst aangepast op zaterdag, 20 februari 2021 19:25  

"When I use a word," Humpty Dumpty said, in a rather scornful tone, "it means just what I choose it to mean, neither more nor less." "The question is," said Alice, "whether you can make words mean so many different things." "The question is," said Humpty Dumpty, "which is to be master – that’s all."

Lewis Carroll  (in Through the Looking Glass)




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